I have been the absolute worst at posting recently, but it’s all for good reasons – I swear!  I’ve been doing schoolwork and travelling and been just generally pretty busy.  However, here are all of the pictures of the day from the week or so before I left for my travels and all of the little things I was up to then.

8.2.14 – Meet Godfrey.  He met a swift death shortly after this picture was taken.IMG_5074

9.2.14 – Me and my friend trying to get a matching shirt picture and failing epically at it by just being incredibly spazzy.  IMG_5082

10.2.14 – A quiet day.  I made tea in a jar and wore a sweater that is really just a small blanket.  Here’s a picture.IMG_5091

11.2.14 – I won 2 free tickets to go see the semi-finals of Brain of Britain, which is sort of like BBC’s version of jeopardy.  The questions are so ridiculously hard, though!  There were only about 3 that I knew the answers too.  It’s all very obscure knowledge where the question has seemingly nothing to do with the answer, but the contestants were incredibly impressive and all did really well.IMG_5102

12.2.14 – Rainy day at the Camden Market, where we went to get lunch from one the numerous food stands.  The food here is incredible and there is the most variety in the smallest space that you will probably find in all of London.  So many options, and they all look and smell soooo good.  The rain and wind got pretty ridiculous as we were walking through the rest of the market, so we took a bus home.  Here’s a pseudo-artsy picture through the rainy window.

13.2.14 – I spent 4 hours in Cafe Nero finishing a paper.  Thus, this picture sums up my day.IMG_5178

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