

Football!  Yay!  Sports!  Huzzah!  [Insert sporty phrase here]  I wanted to go to at least one professional football game while I was here, despite that the sportiest I get is the Spice Girls, because it seems to be such a British thing to do.  I decided that Tuesday would be the day because it was only 10 pounds.  It was cold and rainy and no one scored until they were almost done with overtime.  It was 117 minutes in.  This was probably not the best single game to represent the entire sport of football to me, but now that I’ve been to one I feel no need to go to any more.


Apparently that’s what we are!


Oh so sporty.  Look at that run.  Look at that kick.  Go team.




Final score!


The surrounding area was pretty cute and most houses had gorgeous stained glass on their windows and doors!  Also I thought it was funny that I caught this guy picking his nose.  I’m not normally this immature, I promise.

IMG_4909Did I mention that it was cold and rainy?  Did I mention how cold and rainy?  Did I mention that we stood in the cold and rainy for over 2 hours?  I could not feel my feet at all when we were leaving the stadium and my toes were literally blue.  I actually, genuinely thought that I would never be able to be warm ever again.  Then, out of the darkness came the most beautiful shining gleaming light.  Could it be?  Yes!  The safe haven of the warm, dry bus here to save our tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free.  This picture is the most important picture.

photo of the day^^^Photo of the Day 4.2.14